


Pursue and achieve your Goals and Dreams successfully!


 STOP SMOKING. Become a successful non-smoker . . . . for life.
 CONTROL WEIGHT. Reprogram your eating habits. Stop bingeing. Be fitted with a Virtual Gastric Band.
 SLEEP BETTER. Overcome insomnia. Eliminate teeth grinding.
 PROCRASTINATION, MOTIVATION. Program yourself for specific goals.
 REDUCE STRESS. Stop nail biting, skin picking. Control IBS.
 STOP ANXIETY & PANIC ATTACKS. Eliminate thoughts that produce anxiety and replace with coping statements.
 OVERCOME PHOBIAS. Release fear of something.e.g.flying, public speaking, spiders.
 DEPRESSION, LOSS & SEPARATION. Assist recovery, heal relationship issues.
 CONTROL PAIN. Relieve chronic conditions.
 ENHANCE SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Achieve focus and winner’s mentality; stop mind-chatter in golf and other sports.
 GAIN CONFIDENCE, SELF-ESTEEM. Eliminate negative self-image, increase confidence.
 IMPROVE LEARNING. Utilise better study habits and improve memory.
 CREATIVITY. Reach true potential.
 CHILDBIRTH. Easier and more relaxed childbirth. Hypnosis for fertility.
 FIND LOST OBJECTS. Find important papers and items that have been misplaced.
 PAST LIFE REGRESSION. Explore past lives and learn from them.
 HELP WITH CHILDREN'S ISSUES. Bed wetting, nightmares, confidence.


 Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to make desired changes in ones behaviour, attitude, performance and health
 Hypnosis is a safe, natural state of deep physical and mental relaxation which leads to a wonderful sense of peace and contentment
 It is a state of consciousness, induced by a therapist, similar to daydreaming during which beneficial physical and mental changes can occur easily and effortlessly
 In this state of heightened focus and awareness the subconscious opens and accepts positive suggestions and imagery
 It can also be used as a method to gain insight into past events

Self-Hypnosis. A form of hypnosis achieved without the aid of a therapist. How you use hypnosis on your own is limited only by your desire to change.


Q: "Could I stay in it forever?

A: No. A person enters hypnosis through choice and can leave if he/she chooses. If you were left in hypnosis, you would either come back to full awareness within a short time or go into a natural, pleasant sleep.

Q: "Could I harm myself?"

A: No.When you are in hypnosis you are conscious, in control and aware of what is happening.

"When I'm in hypnosis will you make me cluck like a chicken or bark like a dog?"

A: No.You will not be made to do anything that you do not think is acceptable or which violates your own values or accepted pattern of behaviour.

"Will I tell you something I've never told anyone?"

A: Only if you want to. All sessions are confidential and you are in control at all times.


Positive and dramatic changes can be made in your life with hypnotherapy....easily and safely

Hypnotherapy can make you feel better mentally and physically

Some people report that they feel more relaxed than after a massage


The Body mass index (BMI), estimates the ideal weight of a person based on size and weight and is valid for an adult man or woman (18 to 65 years). It´s the result of a calculation between your weight and height, and gives you the possible risks to your health.

Weight: lbs.
Height: Ft. In.
Body Mass Index
According to the Panel on Energy, Obesity, and Body Weight Standards
published by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
your category is:
Download the BMI Calculator iPhone app


Monica Dobbie qualified as an Advanced Certified Hypnotherapist in 1999 with the National Guild of Hypnotists. She has been a speaker at their Annual Convention in the US and is a Certified Sports Hypnotist. She also uses the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) during her sessions. She teaches self-hypnosis and the use of EFT.

Monica learnt Reiki in 1995. She became a Master/Teacher in 1997. She gives Reiki treatments and teaches all 3 levels of the Usui Natural System of Healing.

In addition, Monica is a Touch for Health Practitioner, a Licensed Avatar Master and has practiced Meditation for over 30 years.

She was a reinsurance professional for many years, and understands the stresses that are often encountered in the business world.

Monica offers a range of self-empowerment techniques and life-changing tools, to ease the stresses of everyday life and she inspires people to pursue and achieve their goals and dreams.

When you are ready to make positive changes and improvements in your life, email her at mdobbie@logic.bm and she will help you to succeed.


“I had two appointments with Monica and am happy to say that I am now smoke free after 35 years of smoking!”

“I easily pass by baked goods and junk and it surprises me still. There’s no pull to those items. I’m doing better with sleep too. All after just one session with Monica!”

"After 50 years of biting my finger nails and trying every cure known to man, I turned to Monica out of utter desperation and based on a recommendation from a highly regarded health practitioner. As skeptical as I was about hypnotherapy I thought I would make one last effort to get rid of this disgusting habit.
Three weeks later, after only two sessions with Monica, I have nails I didn’t know existed and any desire to put them anywhere near my mouth has totally disappeared.

"I visited Monica in November 2014 in an effort to quit smoking. I started smoking from the age of 14 and pretty much kept it up for the next 33 years. There were a few occasions where I managed to quit from just sheer self-discipline but I could never sustain it for very long. Monica assured me she could help me stop once and for all. I attended three sessions and was told that if I was still smoking after this she would give me a fourth session free. After my third session I stopped completely and effortlessly and I have to add here that I never thought I could ever stop. It is now 1 1/4 years later and I am still smoke free, not only that - I don't even think about it. I am so very appreciative of the services that Monica offers and I feel very confident that anyone can quit smoking with her help no matter how old you are or how long you have smoked. It has been the best investment I have ever made.
Joy Coffey

"Thank you so much for helping me be smoke free. It’s now been six months!”

“I just wanted to let you know that I heard today that I am being promoted to SVP.
You are the first person I am telling, haven’t even told my husband yet!
Thank you for your help in getting me into the right mental frame of mind!”

“Just wanted to give you an update. My 9 year old son is doing really well. He wet his bed just twice after seeing you and has never done so again (3 months later). Yea! He is really pleased with himself. Thanks so much. I am so glad we got in touch.”

“The triathlon race was brilliant. I felt very calm at the start and the swim and cycle went well. The run was brutal though, very hot and I was exhausted. I had a mental battle but kept thinking of what you had said and I even encouraged a fellow runner who was walking ☺ My time was great and I exceeded my expectations! Thank you for helping me.”

“It worked because I passed! So happy that the weight of doubt and being unsure of my abilities is conquered. I feel as if I can get on with the rest of my life now!”

“I wanted to let you know that my daughter (6 years old) has had no more nightmares since her session with you. This is life changing.
Thank you so very much!”

"Just wanted to express my thanks for the unbelievable results from my first exposure to hypnosis.
I had been seriously considering a job move due to issues with a supervisor and the stress which was threatening my health. After 2 sessions not only am I staying put but I am working and setting goals with the supervisor and the job seems less stressful and more enjoyable."
Paul G.

“I want to let you know that (as of this morning) I have dropped 40.5 pounds. I am now wearing straight size 16 in most clothes and I'm working on a new wardrobe. YES, I have given all of my 18 -22's away and am feeling so much better about myself.
I am so glad that I came to you for the therapy sessions.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. The sessions were worth every $.”
Liz C.

"I am extremely grateful for being fortunate enough to have met you and participate in your hypnotherapy sessions.
Five months ago I was in a dark place battling depression and surrounded by a cloud of negativity making it very difficult to accomplish my goals. Since our sessions together I have been able to regain my focus getting back into fitness, studying for additional professional exams and landing a new very positive employment position.
Your hypnotherapy has proven to be tremendously beneficial for me specifically helping with depression, memory retention, attitude adjustment and overall life focus. Thank so much for all of your help."

"Just to let you know I finished the race without stopping!! I ran it under 2 and a half hours (a time I didn't dream of achieving) and the thought of stopping didn't enter my head! The Hypnotherapy worked! Thank you SO SO much!!"

"I have been smoke free and have found the Hypnosis to be very powerful on many levels. I am very grateful. I have several smoking friends who are fascinated with the relative ease with which I gave up the habit."

"I can confirm hypnosis helped me stop smoking and most importantly over a year later I remain a non smoker. Monica Dobbie’s expertise in the area of hypnosis, provided me with a positive medium by which to successfully overcome my addiction to nicotine."

"I really notice the benefits already with my food choices! The session was better than a massage"

“I really enjoyed your session - and got a great deal out of it - relaxation, the ability to refocus and put things in the right perspective.”

“I haven't even thought of smoking since the session!”

“The hypnosis itself was relaxing - I was aware of everything throughout the session, and was in control of my thoughts and actions throughout– it wasn't at all like the more dramatic hypnosis sessions you see in the movies!”

“The hypnosis practice and birth affirmations helped very much in early labour and after that I believe I was in my own birth trance, which meant things moved more swiftly than everyone expected. I completely lost track of time in any case! We have been on a high since my son was born and he is a wonderful peaceful baby, thriving well so far. I'd like to thank you for the work we did, since I believe staying calm and in the moment was down to a lot of the preparation we did beforehand. I'm sure there will be many moms-to-be knocking on your door!”

Group Stress Management courses available to corporations and other organisations

Learn Self-Hypnosis. A natural and convenient method to relax and cope with stress…be more self-confident…control weight…sleep better…and even gain the competitive edge to win in sport!

Improve sports performance this summer by managing your mind. Royal Gazette Summer Fun.

Achieving New Year's success through hypnosis.

See the article in The Royal Gazette about HypnoTherapy.

See the article in The Bermuda Sun about HypnoTherapy.

See a follow up article in The Bermuda Sun about EFT and HypnoTherapy.

See the article in The Bermuda Sun about keeping your resolutions.

See the article in The Bermuda Sun about quitting smoking.

For more information or to make an appointment please contact:

Monica Dobbie ACH
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
NLP Practitioner
EFT Practitioner

Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists

Holistic Health (Bermuda)
Tel: +1 441 505 7531
E-mail: mdobbie@logic.bm

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